(English version is below the photo) 大分仕事が落ち着いてきたので、息子&娘とゆっくり過ごせる時間が増えてきました。それと同時に気づいた事。ハンタ、日本語かなり下手になってる!
今後もアメリカで生活していくわけやし、日本語を話して欲しいというのは、「私の言語で意思疎通したい」「徳島のじーばーと会話して欲しい」という私の思いが強い。でも先日、ハンタがアメリカ人のクラスメイトに、「ボクは日本語話せるんだ」みたいな事を言ってて、少なくともそれが彼の自信につながってるんだったら、 やっぱり日本語の勉強は根気よく続けていけたらいいよな〜、と思います。
As we get snow and nowhere to go, I started to have more time to spend with my children and relax. At the same time, I realized something about my son’s Japanese language skill… he spoke Japanese a lot better last year.
My husband was in charge of his homework ever since kindergarten started. Sometimes, my son was already asleep when I came home from work. It was obvious that I didn’t spend enough time with him because I was the only Japanese speaking influence.
I remember when he was watching Doraemon (Japanese cartoon), he would pick up jokes here and there but the conversation with me became totally mixed up English and Japanese. I have no idea what he was trying to say.
Every time he speaks Japan-glish to me, I repeat and respectfully correct in Japanese. Luckily, he hasn’t felt embarrassed or got upset at me yet (however, I do get annoyed every time when my husband corrects my English. lol. I never learn). He is slowly getting back on track. It’s not easy to raise a bilingual child, especially when my husband speaks English.
My daughter on the other hand; I totally screwed up from the beginning. I didn’t spend enough time talking to her and expose her to a Japanese-spoken environment. She stays with grandma who speaks English and Cantonese. She started to speak English and feels comfortable with it. I used to ignore my son when he spoke English to me, then he would realize “oh mommy doesn’t understand it” then he switched and speak Japanese to me. However, my daughter doesn’t simply have enough Japanese vocabularies to translate into. I will read more Japanese children books and have conversation with her 😉
I admit teaching my children Japanese is mostly for myself, wishing they can communicate with me and my parents without language barrier. However, I heard my son saying ” Do you know what “Hyaku (one-hundred)” mean in Japanese?” to his classmate proudly. Speaking another language gives him confidence in anyway, then I will continue doing it.