Here comes Mr Eskimo when he was supposed to get dressed and be ready for school. He always comes up with various excuses to skip school. This morning excuses? He needs to shovel.
ここ1〜2週間、子育ていい感じ! 息子に逆切れされる回数かなり減りました。一番の理由は、ちょっと私に余裕がある、という事なんやけど。あと、こういうのを作ったのです。ひろこ塾セット。こちらの素晴らしいウェブサイト「ちびむすドリル」の学習プリントの幼児版、ほぼ全部プリントさせてもらいました(1日がかりで。爆)
My husband and I wanted to send our little Eskimo to Kumon nearby our house but the Eskimo refused firmly so we decided to wait until the time is right. Meanwhile, I decided to open up my own private after school program. Below are the worksheets that I gathered from a Japanese educational website. It took whole day to print these out!
I selected Japanese character lesson, simple words, math problems, and puzzles worksheets that he can finish in 15 min. Sorted in a folder by date.
これを学校から戻って、宿題が終わった後に一緒にしています。あとフォニックスも15分。算数と日本語はふんふーんとやってるけど、英語がまだまだ苦手というか、「これ読んで」なんて言うと半ギレになるので、Pre-KレベルのHooked On Phonicsのipadアプリで、遊び感覚で。それでもたまに文句言ってくるけど、でもギャン泣きで抗議される事はなくなりました。
He does the worksheets after he finishes his school homework. He does Hooked on Phonics on the ipad for 15 min as well. He likes math and Japanese but he still gets agitated when he does English reading so I do make sure that we do easy phonics together and read simple books.
I know he is behind with English reading compared to what his class does but the most important thing is to for him to gain his confidence so I will praise him as much as I can at home