NY在住二児の母、アラフォーフォトグラファーのひろこです。日本へ里帰りができなくても、ここニューヨークで七五三撮影ができます! Hiroko Photographyでは、着物レンタルから着付け、ヘアメイクまですべてご提供致します。お問い合わせはひろこ (hiroko@hirokophotography.com) こちらまでお気軽にどうぞ!
If you cannot go back to Japan to take your children’s “Shichi-Go-San” photo due to any reasons, please contact me at hiroko@hirokophotography.com. I will gladly capture your children’s milestone celebration!
A very smart, talkative 7-year-old girl in the house! I truly enjoyed chatting with her. She brought this beautiful peacock-blue antique kimono, which her mother wore when she was seven-year-old.
I always take casual photos before a kimono portrait. This helps everyone to relax and get used to be in front of my camera 😉
I kept saying to this little miss A “Oh fabulous!” “OMG you are so GOOD” in Japanese during the shoot, her dad later told me that she was imitating me and she sounded just like me! lol. Smarty pants!
Congratulations on your milestone!