After I watched the Super Bowl last night, and watching Amy Purdy’s commercial, I just couldn’t help but mention about Amy. (Click to see my old blog post about Amy Purdy)
As I grew up in Japan, I am not into football or the Super Bowl like my hubby (except watching Tom Brady’s sweet face…) but I love to watch the million dollar commercials in between the game. They are just incredible. My favorite one is definitely Toyota’s commercial about the dancer and snowboarder Amy Purdy. You can watch this commercial on Youtube.
When Amy visited Dancing Dreams class in Bayside, she told the little dancers, who are physically challenged girls and boys, about unlimited possibilities. We can transform any kind of difficulties and limitations into gifts we are given. This gift will make you stronger and be more creative and opens up so many doors that you would never have imagined.
I am so blessed to be able to capture the moments between Amy and the Dancing Dreams dancers. I often forget how blessed I am and complain about the little things however I cannot take anything for granted. I shall stop complaining and not yell at my kids… at least for today.
アメリカの皆様、昨日の夜のスーパーボールは観ましたか? アメリカ育ちの夫のようにフットボールに思い入れのない私は、試合の間に流れる何億円という制作費をかけて作られたコマーシャルを見るのが何よりも楽しみです。そして、数ヶ月前に、ダンシングドリームズ(障害のある子供達のためのバレエ教室の過去のブログはこちら)のクラスに訪れてくれたエイミーが、トヨタのコマーシャルに出てるのを観た時はめちゃくちゃ嬉しかった〜。そのCMはyoutubeで観られます。